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2004 Matches

2003 Matches
PoT 6
PoT 5
Fragfest 2003

2002 Matches
PoT 4
PoT 3

2001 matches
match results for the year 2004 - win - loss - draw - not played
2004 Non-Tournament Matches
ETC 1 - Extreme Tournament Classic
AAT - Another AG Tournament
PoT 7 - Perseverance of Triality
VIP 2 - Valve Is Perfect
DML 4 - Death Match League
PoT 6 - Perseverance of Triality
iL 2 - Infliction League

match results for the year 2003 - win - loss - draw - not played
date clan maps [screenshots] demo game type
1.02 FA Crossfire StalkX Stalkyard - AG 6.0
1.08 PwR Stalkyard Crossfire Datacore - AG 6.0
1.09 EUV Stalkyard StalkX boot_Camp - valve-scrimmage
1.12 Gc2 StalkX EDEN McDonalds - valve
1.16 *V&M* RapidCore Crossfire Boot_Camp m2 AG TDM
1.29 Cosa Subtransit Frenzy Datacore - AG TDM
2.19 TSG Stalkyard Crossfire StalkX - AG TDM
3.12 CHUD Rapidcore Stalkyard Crossfire - AG TDM
3.26 |mg| boot_camp crossfire datacore - AG TDM
4.03 *V&M* Rapidcore StalkX Stalkyard - AG TDM
4.10 umL StalkX Crossfire Stalkyard - AG TDM
4.18 FA StalkX Crossfire Stalkyard - AG TDM
4.23 sD Crossfire StalkX Stalkyard - AG TDM
4.24 LP Undertow Boot_camp Datacore - AG TDM
4.25 BAD Boot_camp gasworks Stalkyard - AG TDM
4.25 f@W0 Crossfire Snarkpit Stalkyard - AG TDM
5.08 umL crossfire stalkyard gasworks - AG TDM
7.29 EUV gasworks lamda_bunker datacore - AG TDM
8.11 XTPA datacore rapidcore stalkyard - Valve
8.20 umL gasworks stalkyard   - AG TDM
8.26 sD gasworks crossfire stalkX - AG TDM
9.08 di stalkX 8 on 8   - AG TDM
9.21 AAA StalkX Gasworks Datacore - AG TDM
11.23 SSA crossfire dm_egyptian datacore - Sev MOD

 Perseverance Of Triality 5  |  Invitational Only  |  April 20, 2003  |  |  Forum

pot5-mid1.gif - 1828 Bytes
week date map 1st 2nd 3rd screenshot demo
one 4.22 StalkX DADS1 LoM mg 289-287-280 yes
two 4.29 Vengeance dPc di.2 DADS1 259-207-203 yes
three 5.05 Lost_Village2 dPc DADS.1 sD 377-277-169 yes
four 5.12 Boot_Camp umL fab5 DADS.1 171-123-105 yes
five 5.18 Datacore DADS.1 Gutpile EUV 218-198-140 yes
six 6.02 Moss trm DADS.1 VDC 111-97-49 yes
seven 6.10 stalkyard DADS.1 DADS.2 cD 239-112-106 no
eight 6.16 gasworks di DADS1 V&M 191-177-78 yes
tiebreak 6.23 rapidcore DADS.1 fawo mg2 282-205-167 yes
seed 6.23 rapidcore rsi fawo DADS.1 185-164-101 yes
Round1 6.29 undertow di DADS1 cD 195-176-93 yes
Q-Final 7.06 StalkX dPc di DADS.1 274-272-208 yes

pot5-mid2.gif - 1721 Bytes
week date map 1st 2nd 3rd screenshot demo
one 4.21 StalkX mg-2 euv DADS2 289-231-183 yes
two 4.28 Vengeance sD DADS2 trm 238-183-137 yes
three 5.04 Lost_Village2 gutpile XR DADS.2 258-241-189 yes
four 5.13 Boot_Camp TSG FA DADS.2 145-101-96 yes
five 5.18 datacore mg1 DADS.2 VDC 251-211-178 yes
six 6.02 moss DADS.2 fab5 no di 45-41-0 yes
seven 6.10 stalkyard DADS.1 DADS.2 cD 239-112-106 no
eight 6.16 gasworks dPc DADS.2 rsi 45-34-25 yes

week date map 1st 2nd 3rd screenshot demo
scrim 4.30 boot_camp f@W0 DADS TSG 97-86-68 no  
scrim 4.30 lost_village2 TSG f@W0 DADS 154-135-118 no  

HLFL - Half-Life Federation League AG 6.0 tournament - forum
date clan maps [screenshots] demo Match type
01.18 FRiCKeN StalkX Phallik Lambda_bunker - AG TDM
02.01 -PwR- Phallik Stalkyard Lost_village2 no show AG TDM
02.15 -[pNk]- lost_village2 Phallik bootcampX - AG TDM
03.01 -PMB- Phallik undertow Heavypole - AG TDM
03.15 MAFIA Phallik none none no show AG TDM

DML 2 - Death Match League - AG 6.0 - forum
date clan maps [screenshots] demo Match type
01.07 *V&M* Crossfire Rapidcore none   AG TDM
01.14 ={XR}= boot_campX rock_bottom none   AG TDM
01.20 [FA] rock_bottom stalkX none   AG TDM
01.23 |mg| Hypothermia Rock_Bottom Stalkyard   AG TDM
01.28 RSI rock_bottom stalkx none   AG TDM
02.03 [am] RapidCore StalkYard none   AG TDM
02.06 |LoM| boot_camp McDonalds none   AG TDM
02.13 FRiCKeN no show no show no show   AG TDM
02.18 f@W0 stalkyard rock_bottom no show   AG TDM
02.25 faB5* DADS [am] Cabrito AG 3on3on3
03.09 ssx geckohl1 rock_bottom datacore   AG TDM
03.10 umL McDonalds Stalkyard none   AG TDM
03.11 ssx McDonalds crossfire snarkpit   AG TDM
03.17 RSI McDonalds StalkX none playoffs AG TDM

Frag Fest 2003 - forum
date clan maps [screenshots] demo Match type
02.13 *V&M* Stalkyard Crossfire     Valve
02.20 -FE- StalkX Stalkyard -   Valve
02.26 XTPA Stalkyard Datacore -   Valve
03.06 CP-AP Bounce the_yard -   SeverianMOD
03.16 KAD StalkX Stalkyard -   Valve

PoT 4 - Perseverance Of Triality Invitational Only Match Results - forum
week map 1st 2nd 3rd screenshot  
one datacore DADS AWD S*N*M 217-159-140 demo
two StalkX CF-DS DADS XR 302-268-153 demo
three crossfire ssx DADS RSI 288-231-207 demo
four Frenzy DADS TheGods V&M 307-264-137 demo
five Boot_camp DADS
nFc Gutpile 114-63-62 demo
six Stalkyard LoM DADS TSG 284-230-215 demo
seven Bounce DADS nn| EUV 177-140-129 demo
eight Moss di PwR DADS 174-93-77 demo
playoff RapidCore ssx DADS demo

match results for the year 2002 - win - loss - draw - not played
date clan maps [screenshots] demo game type
12.10 *V&M* Rapidcore Datacore Crossfire - valve
12.09 LP Sparkys_b3 Crossfire Datacore - valve
12.5 S*N*M Lurkbox2 Crossfire Stalkyard - valve
12.2 A.S.S crossfire datacore stalkx - severian-scrimmage
11.14 EUV Rats Rockbottom Crossfire - valve
11.13 -PwR- Stalkyard Crossfire Datacore - valve
10.17 dPc Stalkyard Rapidcore Bootcamp - valve-scrimmage
9.27 FA Stalkyard Datacore Crossfire - valve
9.18 nn| Datacore - valve
8.13 XR crossfire gasworks datacore - valve
8.12 |mg| Stalkyard Crossfire Datacore m1 m2 m3 valve
8.11 LoM datacore morgoth subtransit - valve
8.08 XTPA Crossfire Stalkyard Datacore - valve
8.07 skulls Rapidcore Crossfire Datacore - valve
8.06 =ONE= Bounce Undertow Rapidcore - valve
8.04 Cosa-Nostra Rapidcore Crossfire - valve
8.01 nn| Datacore Rapidcore Crossfire - valve
7.30 -PwR- Stalkyard Datacore Crossfire - valve
7.09 TSG datacore crossfire stalkx - valve
4.17 rWa stalkyard datacore crossfire - valve
4.09 mg undertow crossfire stalkX m1 m2 valve
3.24 vVv undertow crossfire rapidcore - valve
3.20 RSI morgoth crossfire Stalkyard - valve
2.17 RSI stalkX boot_camp Datacore - valve

DML 1 - A Half-Life DeathMatch League - forum
week map 1st 2nd 3rd screenshot  
one recross2 mg DADS   94-71  
two out_raged DADS amf   forfeit WIN  
three lost_village Ha|o DADS   126-95  
four StalkX nn| DADS V&M 236-203-156  
five morgoth DADS V&M   131-57  
six snake DADS TSG   87-34  
seven site_b alm DADS   38-30  
quarter-finals first_arena DADS Ha|o   forfeit WIN  
semi-finals lurkbox2 DADS nn|   165-164  
DML Finals forsaken alm DADS   0-0  

PoT 3 - Perseverance Of Triality Invitational Only Match Results - forum
week map 1st 2nd 3rd screenshot  
one Stalkyard -RSI- -RsC- DADS 203-135-100 demo
two Datacore -RSI- TSG DADS 189-172-140 demo
three Rapidcore TSG DADS -RsC- 111-47-0 demo
four StalkX syn toXic DADS 507-110-104 demo
five Undertow mg -uTC- DADS 158-114-109 demo
six Crossfire vse =r.W.a= DADS 247-221-120 demo
seven Bounce toXic DADS Tau4u 112-49-0  
eight Boot_camp -RSI- DADS ~AAA~ 124-63-53  

match results for the year 2001 - win - loss - not played
date clan maps [screenshot] demo game type
12.02 Tau4u Crossfire Morgoth Gasworks - valve
11.14 S*N*M Lurkbox Morgoth Gasworks - valve
11.13 =ONE= Boot_camp Morgoth Rapidcore - valve
10.25 V&M Crossfire Morgoth Gasworks - valve
10.03 =ONE= Boot_camp Morgoth Rapidcore m1 valve
9.23 PDK Morgoth Bounce Boot_camp - Severian
9.17 AMP Morgoth Lurkbox2 Boot_camp - Severian
8.09 ~OFC~ Rapidcore Undertow Dogpound - Severian
7.13 CPK Leggo Morgoth Phallik - Severian